A European out of conviction

My generation has experienced exactly what Europeans can achieve together.


Michel Marlière, born 1966, is French but whole-heartedly a child of the European Union. From a school exchange, studies in Paris and Dortmund to his job as a Manager in Germany – Marlière, like many others from his generation, experienced the unification process and saw how the dissolution of borders between European neighbours became normality. As such he is all the more concerned when he observes the current crisis in the European confederation. For this reason, he developed TerraEuropa.

 “We want to find out from the citizens: What isn’t working here? Why have we lost our way?” says Marlière, summarising the project. The project should help Europe to not crumble in the crisis but instead to rise out of it with new energy. TerraEuropa should help to initiate dialogue between EU citizens of all generations.